Pass the (virtual) mic, and we’ll give you a warm introduction to the LinkedIn audience.

Our team truly cares about amplifying you, your brand, your business, your goals, and helping you create a more positive impact in the world.

We’ll help you make the right connections and stay top of mind so you can stay in your zone of genius— writing keynotes, perfecting your message, and developing IRL relationships to get on more stages.

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Apply for LinkedIn Account Management or LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Fill out the form below, and let’s get this (LinkedIn) party started!
You can expect a response back within two business days.


  • Our process begins with an initial consultation to understand your goals and objectives. From there, we develop a customized strategy to optimize your LinkedIn profile, create engaging content, and build meaningful connections. We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure your success on the platform.

  • We understand that your time is valuable, which is why our approach is designed to be hands-off for clients. Our team handles the day-to-day management of your LinkedIn account, allowing you to focus your time and energy on other priorities.

    However, we also believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and understanding of the platform. Throughout our partnership, we take the time to educate you on how to use LinkedIn effectively and inform you about the strategies and tactics we're implementing. This ensures that you're well-informed and equipped to make the most out of your LinkedIn presence, even as we manage it for you.

    (And don’t worry, nothing is posted or communicated on the platform on your behalf without your prior approval!)

  • The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as your industry, target audience, and level of engagement. However, many of our clients start to see improvements in their LinkedIn presence within 90 days of working with us.

“Lindsay has a wealth of information and the tenacity to help others grow and thrive!”

“She is the type of leader who wants to help others succeed and she provides a fantastic variety of tools to do that. She is good as gold and is a breeze to work with! Lindsay is a wonderful leader and a joy to learn from!”

—Megan L Reilly

Keynote Speaker, Top 12 Podcast Host, Owner & COO of Tippi Toes Inc.

Hi, I’m Lindsay! Founder of Mitrosilis Consulting and owner of way too much (or not enough) UNC and Alabama gear.

I started my agency four years ago to help other founders leverage the corner of the internet that flies under the radar— LinkedIn. Our team of strategists will help you build your personal brand and become a thought leader on LinkedIn so you can stay top of mind for speaking opportunities. 

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